Monday, August 11, 2014

Letter - August 11, 2014

Below are bits and pieces of the letter Motra Bezas sent us. So great to hear from her and see at least a little bit of what her life is like right now!

Dear Family,

I got your letters! Thank you so much for writing! It really touches and lifts my heart.

Today has been amazing. Both Mondays have been such great successes. All thanks to our teachers. We reviewed a lot of grammar, and I asked a lot of questions. Ha! I was not afraid to express my mind.

Fun story for you my finger is practically healed, and so the missionaries in my zone really wanted me to play. The past few gym times I've been getting pretty good. Today was a small game of four on four. Our zone is huge on volleyball, but today everyone wanted to do other things like run. So it was just eight missionaries (including me) playing volleyball.

Anyway, today as we were playing, one of the elders from another zone was playing basketball and elbowed the fire alarm. His arm was bleeding pretty badly, and we had to evacuate the building (apparently from the fire alarm going off), but were eventually able to play again.

By the way, to answer Dad's question from a few ago, I usually get mail after dinner. Also Dad, about the body language thing, I'm doing fine. I had a really bad day a few days ago, but know that I'm doing WONDERFUL! I love you all! P.S. I'm putting my big bro's letter in here.

Motra Bezas

(One of the things about being a parent that is a PARENT's growth opportunity is to allow children to grow up, to experience tough times, and trust they'll be fine even when the day is hard. So grateful for Motra Bezas and her cheer. It's a great trait.)

And here is Motra Bezas's letter to her big brother:

Dear bro!

I know you're in California with your friends, but I promised that I would write you. So here I am! You will get such a lovely treat when you return. You'll have to tell me what you all did. I love my big brother, so I'm just checking up on everything.

When do you go back to school? Are you excited?

Thank you so much for being such an example to me. :) I'm glad we are so close! Know that I'm ALWAAAAAAAYS ALWAYS here for you! I would love to hear from you.

By the way, I figured out the email thingy. And by the way, I wanted to ask...what was your favorite thing to do during gym time? For me, it's volleyball. I'm getting decently good actually. Our zone, especially the elders, is really good. They are very encouraging.

We have over 58 in our zone. We get three Astonians this Wednesday. Two sister and one elder going solo. We will then have 9 sisters total. We would have 10 but one of the sisters was dealing with a medical issue.

I love you and hope to heave from you soon!

Motra Bezas :)

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