Monday, October 20, 2014

3rd email from the field!

Here are portions of this week's email from Motra Bezas. In the Bible we can read that the Spirit can inspire what to pray for. This week I'd had the sense to pray for her tenacity to continue. It was therefore interesting to read afterwards that a variety of appointments had fallen through. The Lord is so good to help parents know what to pray for for their missionaries!


Wow, It really hit me yesterday that it is already another Preparation Day! How time has seriously flown by! 

This week crazy things happened this week. Wow, this week has been a time of growth, and I have loved every minute of it! I honestly don't even know where to begin.

First, I am so blessed to have the companion that I do. She is amazing! I see it everyday. She is a hard worker and loves serving the Lord.

This week we had some dry spells. We had lots of lessons planned, but they would either get canceled or people would stand us up or people wouldn't be home. It was discouraging, but we just pushed forward. We would always try to have an open mind to what the Lord then needed us to do with his time for this mission.

We found that we were rewarded by meeting a person or two and seem very interested in the gospel while we street-contacted one day. Or rewarded when meeting new investigators we received from the Elders. 

We know that God knows his children. I have seen it as I have talked with them. There is something that we need to specifically teach them.

I love this gospel with all my heart. I love the opportunity that I have to serve here with these people. The time is coming for the Savior to come again. I see t everyday as we walk out the door and share His word.

The day before we actually had a Zone Conference. The meeting was so GREAT! But I will get into that. ;) 

God knows this people, of this mission. This is just another sign that God lives and that we are his children.

Now Zone Conference... IT WAS AMAZING! We discussed our goals as a zone and what we want to accomplish for this month. The spirit was so strong I loved it! I am so blessed to have the people I work with in this Zone.

Today we went for our P Day to Elbasan. It was amazing! We went there to visit the people there! It was Motra L's last area she served before I came. I was actually was going to be trained there but God had a different plan in store for Motra L and I.

So, something that the President has also wanted us to do as we do our Daily Planning for the next day in the evening, is to see how the Hand of the Lord was in our day and also we each share a scripture that shows the Hand of the Lord also! :) MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS! It has been such a blessing to see the Hand of the Lord. Yeah, we have had days of not much success, but then again. Who is the real judge of success. GOD IS!

I love God with all my heart. He is my Father and I am his Daughter. HE! is the one that makes STRONG and that can help me handle what I have in my path. HE! Is there to help me when I am need of comfort. He is my Eternal Friend.

I love this gospel. I love it. I love it with every fiber of my being. A song I love, has this phrase that rings to me so true. "He hears me and he answers, every thoughtful plea... even when I can't speak..." I know this is true for each and everyone of us.

I know that I am not perfect. But I learn and know more as I read from the scriptures and the Book of Mormon and hear the words of the prophets and as I pray, I begin to see who God truly is. He is always near me and walks beside me as I walk the roads of life. No matter where they may be. Either back at home or here on the roads of Albania to visit a less active. He is there ALWAYs!

I love you all and I am so blessed to have you in my life.

Know. You. Are. His. Chosen. Ones.

Motra Bezas
 Having a meal with the other Motras in the apartment - 
it looks something like French toast. :)
 At an Albanian restaurant with an Albanian and others
 In English!
Knocking on an Albanian door - 
look at that wooden handwork - so beautiful in its heirloom quality.
And now for one of my favorite pictures Motra Bezas sent . . .
It reads, "Reality is wrong. Dream ARE for real."

Until next time, keep the missionaries in your prayers! They are seeking to love God's children and teach them of the Savior's sacrifice for all.

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